Erectile Dysfunction

What vitamins are good for Erectile Dysfunction?

If one problem that has made the life of adult men hell in today’s times besides COVID-19, it is Erectile Dysfunction or ED.

  • If you don’t recognize the term ED or Erectile Dysfunction then probably you are not an adult yet because adults understand the pain of suffering from ED.
  • It makes the life of men and also of the women with whom he is in a relationship. But what is ED?
  • In simple words, ED is a disorder or ailment in which men get sexually excited but their penis does not react to the situation and remains less erect or has no erection at all.
  • Why does this happen such a question will be answered later in the article. But when a man encounters problems with erection, the only solution he knows is to swallow tablets like Cenforce 100mg and Cenforce 150 Red Pill.
  • Indeed, these pills are effective in improving erection but these aren’t the only way you can cure Erectile Dysfunction.
  • Even some vitamins in your food are beneficial in situations of Erectile Dysfunction. In this article, we shall discuss such vitamins that improve erection in men and help them enjoy their sex life again.

First, know the basic biology behind ED

  • To move to the section where we talk about curing Erectile Dysfunction, we must understand the basic happenings that lead to ED.
  • This will help us know the real reason behind it making us better understand what the solutions could be.
  • When a man is subjected to sexual stimulation, the nervous system sends signals to improve the blood flow in the penis.
  • Hence, a large quantity of blood moves in the penile region which makes the penis erect as its blood vessels expand. Now, this is the situation when everything is normal.
  • During Erectile Dysfunction due to a whole lot of factors like smoking, alcoholic consumption, high-fat content, high sugar level in the blood, etc, the blood cannot travel freely in the penile region.
  • This makes it difficult for the blood vessels of the penis to expand which is why the penis gets less erect.
  • From the short explanation, one thing is crystal clear the movement of blood in the penile region is the cause of the erection.
  • If a sufficient amount of blood enters the penis erection will be superb or vice-versa.
  • So, the blood supply plays an important role in erection. Hence, the problem of poor erection can be solved by restarting the flow of blood in the penis.
  • All the ED pills and the Vitamins given below also help in ED by improving blood circulation in the penis.

Vitamins beneficial during Erectile Dysfunction

Vitamin D

  • Vitamin D helps to keep bones strong by allowing cells to absorb calcium as calcium is not directly absorbed by cells and tissues.
  • Hence, for satisfying your bed partner you need to have full stamina and muscular health to not stop easily. This power is given by Vitamin D. Besides this, Vitamin D has been found to facilitate the production of the male hormone, testosterone.
  • Lack of testosterone is the reason for low libido; fewer sperm counts and Erectile Dysfunction. Fildena 100 and Vidalista 20 mg also work to treat ED in men.
  • So, never get deficient in Vitamin D if your sex life is in turmoil or if you are all good then take Vitamin D to prevent such instances.

Vitamin B9

  • Vitamin B9 also known as Folate is also helpful in reducing the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction.
  • In various surveys, it was found that folic acid, the acidic form of folate is beneficial in improving blood circulation in erectile dysfunction.
  • Folic acid helps in the manufacture of nitric oxide, which smoothens the erectile tissues by facilitating more secretion of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate).
  • During ED, less nitric oxide is produced which leads to poor erection making men take Cenforce 200 mg.

Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C is a common vitamin found in citrus fruits. Vitamin C is beneficial in strengthening the immune system as it improves the basic metabolic rate (BMR) of the body.
  • Vitamin C also improves the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone that is responsible for generating the desire for sex and all sexual characteristics of the body.
  • Blood circulation is improved which enhances the overall efficiency of the organs as they receive an adequate amount of blood.
  • The person feels energized and the mind turns positive reducing any negative thoughts. Thus, the mood for sexual activity is created in no time.

Vitamin B3

  • Another Vitamin B useful while suffering from Erectile Dysfunction is Vitamin B3. It is also known as niacin and is found helpful in recovery from severe to moderate ED.  Also, Buy Generic Medicines Online from
  • Consumption of niacin reduces blood pressure which allows ease of movement of blood in the penile region.
  • As when the blood pressure is high the movement is fluctuating which leads to less blood entering the blood vessels of the penis.
  • Besides, Vitamin B3 increases the concentration of good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol making it easy for blood to flow swiftly.
Read More:How to cure Erectile Dysfunction Naturally and Permanently?
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